Downunder hidden roller gallery
In Ground Casing
In deck with 5mm negative detail, looks sharp
Hinge lid with In Deck roller:
Motorised Downunder:
Motorised Downunder:
Joist prep work on a floating deck
In deck prep work ready for decking
In deck complete
This is a great installation using an In deck unit, over a cover pit 1.4m down and 1m across. Then the concrete team boxed around the unit and tied into the rebar. The cover was 20m long so we used 500mm extension brackets to lower the cover so the Downunder could accomodate the cover.
Dual lid installation. The pool is 6m wide. The maximum pool width for our 5.6m Downunder is 5.5m wide. Then we need to do a dual lid, off set layout. This means if you only want a quick dip, only remove 1/2 the cover. Our maximum cover length is approx 30m.
This L shaped pool with a hinged 4mm thermal blanket.
Downunder in hardwoord timber decking:
Joist prep for an in deck roller unit
A California inspired poured concrete coping edge looking sharp with an in ground Downunder unit.
In deck Downunder unit
In ground Downunder ready for tiles to be installed
In deck Downunder
In ground Downunder with some epic coloured concrete detail to really punch out the detail