35 Ohamu Road - Jono B

35 Ohamu Road - Jono B

Roof placement and pool solar performance details below. Please also see recent pool solar outcomes in your area.

Unmatched performance when it comes to pool heating.

Solar performance Jan 2025 performance, mid day high roof temp and end of day performance. Initial start up, pool solar. No cover! This is in Masterton, NZ
Glendowie ( Riddell Road)  solar install Feb 31st 2025

End of day performance: 23.5 degrees on start up, 30.5 degrees by the end of the day. Partially covered
End of day performance:
770 KwH energy savings or $254 @ $0.33
Most heat pumps will be between COP 5-15 average 

35 Omahu Road - Roof placement

Benefits of Solar Heating for Schools:
  • Sustainability and Environmental Impact
  • Cost-Effectiveness
  • Solar is a long-term investment
  • Solar is low maintenance
Please note we also sell heat pumps, but we advise the first option should always be solar as the primary heating source. A heat pump can also be used in conjunction with the solar to offer small bursts of heat. Solar alone will offer you amazing pool temperatures.

If you are interested in solar heating and/or a hybrid for your pool please, send questions to justin@poolsolarheating.co.nz

Pool solar Seasonal performance below:


    Performance Comparisons and Costings: